Count Basie Theatre Tickets > Help



This section of our site is set to support customers that face troubles in using the site. Here, you are going to have details on what is existing on our site, and how you can effortlessly select what tickets you want and how to buy them.

The first thing that could interest you is the schedule of events. It's are visible in two places. One on top right of the site and the other in the center. The two show similar events except that the one in the center exposes further details including the view ticket button that you are going to use when you decide to order tickets.

The schedule demonstrates all the events taking place in the venue, yet if you want to lessen your search and the results provided, you can use the filters available in the left side of the site. You are given the possibility to lessen the search by date and get only events that will appear in the chosen period of time, or by picking a name of an event shown under the section all events.

When it's done and decided what tickets you want to buy, you can then move to the other phase, to complete tickets purchase. To do that, you push the view tickets icon, and you will be redirected to tickets page. On that page you will find tickets sort by row, quantity, section, and of course price. And to inform you about your seats, we place a map presenting seats.

Our hope is that the details we have offered here have explained the utilization of our site. Thank you for picking to order your tickets.

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